Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Hypnotize Yourself

Welcome to the how to hypnotize yourself blog! I have put in all the information you need to understand how hypnotize anyone but if you are here then it is self hypnosis that you are after. If this is the case then read on and have a look at some of the recent posts.

All the information that I have posted is thanks to this amazing resource, I would definitely recommend checking it out.

Learning how to hypnotize yourself
The first step to learning the art of self hypnosis is to understand the principles behind how to hypnotize others. This comes down to our NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and the way in which we react to certain situations and circumstances. The best example I can give you is that most people react to fear as a negative and will be very open to hearing solutions to overcoming a fear even if they deny this out loud. So the better understanding you have of the words, phrases and analogies that you can use to trigger these responses the easier it is to understand what your own triggers and psychological reactions are to certain situations.

How to hypnotize yourself to overcome your fear
So generally people that are looking at self hypnosis are trying to overcome an addiction or habit that they cannot break. Addictions stem from insecurity and insecurity creates lack of confidence and a lack of confidence is a fear of failure. So the best way to kick your addiction or habit is to understand when this started and why it started.

1st step: Hypnotic Induction
This is the action of putting your mind into a relaxed state where there are no distractions and you are focusing purely on your task. The task at the beginning is to understand why your fear is present so to remind yourself of when it began and talk step by step how it evolved into what it is today.

2nd step: Understand what triggers you just before you carry out your addiction
So now its time to know what thoughts pass through your head just before you pick up that cigarette, or eat that fatty hamburger etc… I am sure that negative thoughts and words are in your mind and the reaction is move into your addiction.

3rd step: Create positive suggestions as a replacement to your negative ones
Now it is time to find positive words or phrases to replace the negative ones that usually go through your mind. A great method is to use memories you have from a better time in your life and then find words that directly correlate to this memory. So whenever you start to feel the fear coming confirm these positive phrases and words and create an alternative suggestion in your mind.

More information
This is a basic principle of self hypnosis and it definitely has helped me. For more information please read the other posts and do not hesitate to leave any comments you might have. All the best!

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