Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to hypnotize someone instantly

Being able to hypnotize somebody straight away is a very difficult thing to do but it is possible so pay attention to what you need to know.

To hypnotize someone instantly you need to be able to skip the hypnotic induction and be able to understand their biggest insecurities and what their dreams are. These are their extreme negatives and positives and having this “ammunition” helps when it comes to persuading them to do what you want.

Using the Dream Trance
The ‘dream trance’ comes from renowned hypnotherapist Igor Ledochowski principles of conversational hypnosis. I have seen a video of Igor use this technique with such ease and it definitely is worth learning. So the dream trance is when you find out what a persons dreams are so that you can use this information to your advantage. Once the person is speaking about what they care about most then that is all they are (subliminally) concentrating on and hence are in a dream trance. It is your job now to provide hints as to how this dream can be achieved and be sure to use their insecurities to handle any objections that they will potentially throw your way.

e.g. Someone’s dream is to travel around the World
Insecurity is image and what people think of them.

Linking an insecurity to a dream: what people would think of them and then confirm that travelling the World will make them the envy of everyone. (This is a basic example)

Conversational hypnosis
This is the type of hypnosis that you should be using if you are trying to hypnotize someone instantly. It is designed to avoid using an induction and uses techniques like analogies, metaphors and confusion techniques. It is highly controversial but it has changed the face of hypnosis techniques used world wide and if you do not have hypnosis experience I highly recommend checking it out.

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