Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to hypnotize (hypnotise) people

Being able to hypnotize a person is one thing but to be able to hypnotize multiple people, now that is a completely different story. This is were factors such as general emotion triggers come into play and being able to feed peoples reactions off each other.

So how do people like Anthony Robbins or Oprah manage to influence so many people at one time and not only that, convince them to come back for more advice over and over again?

Create a story that everyone can relate to
This is rule one with hypnotizing a room full of people because as you know the first step of the hypnosis process is to create a connection and rapport with your subject. The easiest way is to create a story that is very common and the easiest one is, 'that no one understands what you are going through' or 'a dream of leaving the office and retiring early' and the list goes on. So once the story is created how do you keep the attention and make your group of people listen and genuinely process the information (suggestions) that you give them?

Play on insecurities
If you can guess someone’s insecurity then they will listen to what you have to say even if they deny that fact. This is simply because a common emotional trigger that everyone has is a fear of something and not being able to overcome that fear. When this comes to a group of people you need to find a common insecurity that everyone can relate to and then relate it directly to yourself, this creates a subliminal bond between you and everyone else because they interpret this as you understanding their personal fears.

Finish the story and create a conclusion
The final step of this process (and remember this is a brief overview) is to create an ending for your story of how you achieved your dream, how you know others that have and how they have overcome their insecurity. This invokes jealousy on the part of the people you are hypnotizing and their reaction is to want the same thing, so you give them a suggestion of what they need to do and trust me they will pursue it.

Learning this technique of hypnotizing multiple people
The principles that you have just read stem strongly from conversational hypnosis because this is designed to basically ignore the hypnotic induction and go straight into covert suggestive techniques. If you want to learn these techniques I strongly advise to follow the link at the top/right of this screen.

The basics of how to learn to hypnotize

Obviously I can not teach you how to hypnotize through a single blog post but I can teach you the basics so that when you want to learn this in more depth you have a solid base.

So the basics that you need to know when learning hypnosis is:

  • The Hypnotic Induction
  • The different thought processing methods
  • Mirroring
  • NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)

Hypnotic Induction

This is when you get your subject into a suggestive frame of mind. There are so many different techniques when it comes down to doing this successfully but if you remember that a realxed mind is more open to suggesstion then you will understand the hypnotic induction process. Once our mind is relaxed then we tend to be more agreeable and less resistant (I am sure you can relate).

The different thought processing methods

There are 4 different types of thought processing techniques that we use (as humans) and we tend to favour 1 more than others. These are:

  • Visual - Uses phrases such as, "I see what you are saying"
  • Auditory - Uses phrases such as, "I hear what you are saying"
  • Kinesthetic - Reacts better through physical contact
  • Reading - Reacts to reading information of print

When you think about it you will start to notice how people react in these different ways which makes it a lot easier to understand what method to mirror.


So you know the thought processing method of your subject and now it is time to mirror them. This means exactly what you think... Copying their thought processing method by either using the word see or hear or create physical contact etc.. Once you begin to mirror then your subject will become more responsive to your suggestions and you will be in a better position to hypnotize them. All this comes down to our ingrained response triggers which is our neuro-linguistic programming.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

This will be the most important thing you learn if you are serious about hypnotizing anyone especially yourself. NLP is our minds programming to certain situtations and words for example: the word "burn" creates a reaction of pain probably due to a life experience we have had. The more you understand about this the better you will be as a hypnotist. For a professional view of hypnosis look at the link above (Top/right of screen).

Do you want to learn hypnotism?

If you are reading this blog then you obviously do especially when it comes down to hypnotizing yourself. I guess that because you are looking at an online source then an online hypnotism course would be what you have in mind right.

Does online learning exist for hypnosis
Yes it does and there are quite a number of online hypnotism courses available but if you are specifically looking for the one that helps with self hypnosis then I would advise looking at Igor Ledochowski’s course: “The Power of Conversational Hypnosis”. Reason being for this is because you can gain access to his hypnosis club where you can actually ask him questions and benefit from him personally. I am not talking about support from a FAQ system but straight from the man himself.

Can you trust an online course
Believe me when I say this, yes you can trust this course when it comes to learning hypnotism and getting continued and lasting results. I get emails into my inbox almost daily with support, videos and upgraded learning techniques. The dream trance is especially helpful but I will not let anything out of the bag.

Ok so how do I get this course so I can start learning?
I have actually left a link (top/right of screen) so that you can have a look for yourself. It is the number one hypnosis course online at the moment and you will definitely benefit from Igor’s techniques.

Why Learn Hypnotherapy for self hypnosis?

If you are serious about self hypnosis then learning hypnotherapy is not as crazy as it sounds. The reason being that hypnotherapy is all about a deeper understanding about our psychological triggers and our individual neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Hypnotherapy opposed to hypnosis
The difference here is that hypnosis is generally known as a method to persuade someone to do something in one sitting however hypnotherapy is about taking numerous sessions to find out exactly what your emotional scars are, the reasons for insecurity and linking your reactions to certain situations based on your past life experiences.

The benefit of self hypnotherapy
I guess the benefit is that if you really take time to understand why you react the way you do to certain issues then it is easier to hypnotize yourself (or persuade yourself) to do something.

e.g. I personally had a fear of small spaces and there was nothing that would convince me to get into a small cave or tunnel. When analyzing myself and this reaction I finally discovered that this reaction was due to the lack of control that I had in this situation. There was nothing that I could do to change the size of the space I was in and therefore I felt as though I had no control. Once I discovered this then I began using the hypnotic suggestive phrase of, ”do not fight what you can not change, stay in control of yourself.” This really worked for me because I understood my own reaction trigger so when it comes to yourself you need to find your own.

Evidence that this works
The best evidence that I can give you is that the best hypnotists in the World have all studied hypnotherapy at some stage and have all profited from the results. Obviously if you want to become good at something then you should follow in successful peoples footsteps and this is a perfect example. If you would like more information on the matter I would recommend looking at the resources available on this blog.